Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Accessibility news from Idaho

Well, the news isn't from Idaho, but that's where I am. I'm attending a conference of execs of nonprofits that increase employment of people with disabilities. I was sitting in a briefing from the national CEO this morning and amazed/depressed yet again with how many issues these execs have to wrestle with, including a bunch that have been dealt with in earlier posts here.

There's the war (it effects the jobs these people find--both increasing and decreasing), a WHOLE bunch of legislative issues and hoops, Sarbanes-Oxley, the Senate Finance Committee report, etc. Dealing with all this stuff is important, but it all distracts from mission-provision at some level. Blah.

Anyway, while I was being bummed about all of that, I remembered that I had been meaning to track down some good resources for accessibility tools for websites. And what happens? This week's TechSoup "By the Cup" shows up with just that.

Here's the material cut and pasted directly from "By the Cup", which I strongly urge you to subscribe to--it's free!

DO-IT Accessible Web Design
The University of Washington's DO-IT program has put together
this list of links that includes information on accessible Web
design, and publications and videos that can help you build
accessible sites. This site is a good reference for usability
testing too. This collection of useful links is helpful for
being a Web site that is accessible to everyone, including those
who have disabilities.

What's more, this week's soup recipe looks yummy.......

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