Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A great idea.....giving at Christmas

In our family, (when I was little, and now as an adult) part of Christmas has always been about giving to charities. Often we send out of town family and friends notice that we gave in their name to a charity, or Kiva credits (well, not when I was little). Sometimes we send a check with a note: "Give this away to a local cause." Seems more like the point of Christmas to me.

Of course, we didn't start this idea, but neither did we spread the word enough--and now someone has taken up the slack on that. Check out Redefine Christmas. Well done website, with the right balance of messages. Take a look--and pass it on to your family, friends, co-workers, board members.

And think beyond just Christmas and Hanukkah. What about Birthdays, Anniversaries, wedding gifts (I love people who ask not for gifts but for donations to charities).

We need our charities. Right now, LOTS of people need our charities and the charities need us.

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