Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rocky Mountain Fun

Had a really good day yesterday...worked in Denver for Colorado Nonprofits, as well as the University of Colorado Graduate School of Public Affairs. Lots of fun interaction with some great people, and got to catch up with some long-time friends, too. And, as a free bonus, I got to spend time with my eldest son.

The subject of the day was Social Enterprise, which i posted on yesterday. The questions were good, but pretty predictable..."Do we need a new corporation?" (99.9% of the time, no), "What do we do if our board is risk-averse?" (give them more caffeine...actually just break the risk down into smaller steps and keep them involved), "What businesses work?" (read this weeks Chronicle of Philanthropy).

At breakfast, before the large 200 person luncheon, I had a more wide-ranging discussion with ten local nonprofit leaders. We talked about trends in Colorado, competition, issues of working with younger staff, and some recommended reading. They also wanted to know about my new book, Generations. Fun, smart people: I would have liked to have continued that conversation for another two hours.

A real highlight for me (as always) was talking to grad students late in the day. There was talk of me coming back to teach again, and I'd love it.

Final awesomely easy trip home, arriving three hours early.

1 comment:

Val said...

Hi Peter,

I read your book during my studies at University of Colorado's GSPA. Enjoyed it very much and now I'm trying to apply the concept of social entrepreneurship in my daily work. Thank you for your work!

Best regards,
