Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hanging with the Brits

Two days, two great classes with nonprofit staff and trustees from the U.K. Great people, great issues, great missions, great passion, great questions.

All the same. Here, there, everywhere. That may sound trite unfair, but really the key issues are the same here as in the US.

For readers in the US, here's one of the first questions of today.

"I'm sure that in the US this doesn't happen much, but here I have a problem with my board not knowing where the line is between policy and management."

Sound familiar? I can hear you nodding.

Good people, well intentioned, doing things that need doing that no one else will. That's our sector.

Wherever your plane lands.

1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Hi Peter,

I found your site from the Non Profit Blog Exchange. I'm from Chicago so we're not too far from each other. I use a blog, web site, conferences and a variety of networking to bring togehter people from business, non profits, universities and communities who want to do more to help kids born in poverty connect with people who will help them through school and into careers. At http://tutormentor.blogspot.com I write about this. From their the links show how this is accomplished. I hope you'll take a look and volunteer some of your talents to help us reach out to leaders in Peoria, Quincy, Decatur and other mid Illinois cities who have similar challenges to Chicago, but may not have an overall vision of how to expand networks of support for the kids who need it most.