Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Close the digital divide

Seniors (a title that my kids remind me I am fast approaching) get dissed for being the low-tech part of the population bell curve. I would say that the jury is out. While my Dad never even used an ATM, my mother really wanted to tech up, even early in the tech landslide. I see this with my older friends and relatives. Many, really most want to use their tech better, some are really proficient, a few would prefer to never again be in the same time zone with a cell phone or a computer.

That aside, there's a great site for seniors looking to improve their tech skills, or to set up classes for others. I would urge you to look at it if you have older staff, board members, volunteers, or service recipients who need to brush up on some part of their tech use.

And I love their motto: "Bringing Wisdom to the Information Age"


Check it out.

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