Saturday, January 01, 2005

Nonprofit Resolutions for 2005

Happy 2005 to everyone! In the hope that this will be the most successful year ever for your not-for-profit/NGO, I have put together eight new year's resolutions for you to consider adopting. If you have other suggestions to add to this list, please post a comment!

1. I will keep my organization focused on enhancing our ability to provide high quality mission.

2. I will keep my organization focused on doing things we're REALLY good at (our core competencies).

3. I will seek funding sources that pay us a fair price for what we do, and don't burden us with unreasonable oversight. Put another way: I will not allow our organization to "chase the money."

4. I will increase the amount of reading/training/practice/review that our staff and board do this year. We will move toward becoming a life-long learning organization.

5. We will take at least one significant organizational risk on behalf of the people we serve this year.

6. We will listen more, and more seriously, to all of our customers, including our payers.

7. We will improve our organizational transparency, and be even more accountable for our organizational decisions.

8. We will try to improve the value we provide to our end users and our customers a little bit every single day.

9. I will personally lead by example, expressing the values of my organization through my actions and words.

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